Boris Johnson was the Prime Minister of Britain, suddenly he left this post before his fixed time, this decision may be taken on many reasons, which is yet to be confirmed

 Although the Prime Minister says that he will continue as the caretaker leader, the further process can begin. Many senior citizens say that

In view of the sudden decrease in the number of people willing to work, this will also not be sustainable now. Many people are already in the queue for the post of Prime Minister.

Party officials say that the time table for the election will be announced on the coming Monday, so far Prime Minister Boris Johnson said

Parliamentary Conservative Party wants that it is very important to have a new leader in this party, the process of choosing that new leader should start from now

Johnson told that a new cabinet has been appointed, the service of the present should not stop until the new leader is selected, it will serve

Johnson told how painful it was for him to leave, but no mention of the scandals that proved his political fallacy

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