Axis Bank Vistara Signature Credit Card Review 2023

Vistara Signature Credit Card India’s best premium economy ho introduced by Vistara, situated between economy and class vouchers and CV points help you.

Vistara Signature Credit Card

Leading the list of best credit cards in the country, this card offers you a host of benefits including premium economy ticketing, air convenience and air travel

To join this, you will not have to pay any annual fee in the initial year, when you renew the card, you will have to pay 3 thousand fee with GST, you get an economy voucher in the renewal benefit, you will get double the welcome benefit cost  You get an economy ticket costing 8000 INR which is great Axis Vistara Signature Credit Card looks very nice, you will find it very beautiful, there is a possibility of more improvements in the future


Axis Vistara Signature Credit Card will give you 0.75 INR to 1 INR on regular spends. This cv point will expire after 3 years.

 Vistara Signature Credit Card
Vistara Signature Credit Card

The price of CV issue before covid was less but now it is 1 INR

Airport Lounge Access

If you need it, you can take advantage of it, you get it with the card, swipe and enter the lounge

our experience

We have taken advantage of it for a few years now and are still using it, flying is a wonderful experience, availed through premium economy


If you want to get this card then you have to fulfill the eligibility criteria, however the eligibility criteria is simple, your annual income should be more than 6 lakhs, currently the current card limit amount is 1 lakh rupees

How to apply?

Now applying has become much easier than before, you can easily apply by visiting the official website, after a few clicks, your application will be submitted, within a few weeks your application will be approved, within delivery time to reach you.  may take weeks

If you are a newbie and you are thinking that it is mandatory to open a savings account before getting the card then it is not the case Axis allows 3 cards per persons

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