add credit card in Sabre Many important things that you will get to know on this post, you should know how to add credit card on this post.
Table of Contents
add credit card in Sabre
Before linking the credit card it is mandatory to follow some necessary steps, read the steps given below carefully
login to your account
You have to login to Sabre’s account to link the card, you can login to the account by filling the required information, without this on the account you will not be able to link the card
Profile tab
After joining the account, click on your profile tab and enter inside it, on the profile tab you can fill the required information,
payment notification
You will see the payment information link, click on it, you can complete the further process,
add payment method
You click to add a payment method , there are different types of payment methods, it’s up to you which one you want to choose.
enter information
In this you can enter your information like write the name of the cardholder, card number, card expiry date and all the security code information. you save this information
If you are not able to add the card successfully, even after entering the card information, then contact the customer support, they will tell you the details of the problem and the solution for that problem.
Failed to add credit card
If your card is not able to connect, then there may be some reason, we give you details of some reason which you can improve,
1. Incorrect credit card information
You have not entered all the information of your card correctly, due to which your card is not able to add card information like card number, card expiry date, security code which is known by CVV
2. Payment Declined
You may contact the credit card issuer if your payment has been declined by the credit card issuer, you have made a payment after the due date or due to other account issues.
3. Technical issues
There may be technical problem from saber side due to which your application has been rejected you can contact customer support to solve these problem they can help you in this
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